Nutrition with Nina

Where personalised nutrition Meets Remarkable health

Nutritional Therapist (Nutritionist) in London, South London and Online

Hi, I'm Nina Sabat

I help women, aged 40 and over, who are unhappy with their health and feel overwhelmed about what to do. Often they’re unsure what to eat, simply because their stage of life or metabolism has changed.

Through my personalised nutrition solutions and confidence-building consultations, my clients get results that matter to them. Including:

  • Noticeably improved health and fewer symptoms
  • Feeling more positive about their future wellbeing
  • Consciously making great food choices
  • Loving how their bodies look and feel
Nina Sabat, Nutritional therapist and Nutritionist in London


"just TELL ME


Discover Fab at 40+ with

Healthier Fats & Oils

(Your brain, joints, skin and hormones will shout Yippee!!! when you do)

Nutritional Therapy - a personalised solution to better health

The First Step to Improving your Health

The 40s and 50s can be a challenging time for many women, particularly when your body and health noticeably changes from one year to the next. But it doesn’t have to be a time of confusion, frustration or fear.

Woman sits on the floor, worried.

Reaching midlife can leave you feeling like your body is a complete mystery. 

It’s frustrating to seek professional guidance and support and be told that you’re ‘wrong because your symptoms aren’t right’, that there’s ‘no hope of improvement’, that you ‘just have to get on with things’. Feeling confused about what to eat won’t add to your self-confidence either. 

This is where I come in.

At Nutrition with Nina you can begin to uncover your hidden health story, and use Nutritional Therapy to eat well, feel better, and be more in control of your health.

As you reach your 40’s, 50’s and over, you’ll be saying “I feel fantastic”, not struggling on and battling through.

Services at Nutrition with Nina

What Do You Need?

Book your Supplement Review with Nina Sabat black nutritionist in London

A full Health & Wellbeing Package

Book your Supplement Review with Nina Sabat black nutritionist in London

A Supplement Review

Book your Health MOT with Nina Sabat black nutritionist in London

A quick MOT

Nutritional Therapy (Nutritionist) Services in London and Online

How Do I Help?

As a Nutritional Therapist, I specialise in Digestive Health, Cognition, Healthy Ageing, Sleep and Healthy Habits, for women aged 40 and over. Here are some of the health goals and conditions that I can help my clients with. I also offer Supplement reviews.

Digestive Health

Bloating . Constipation .  Stomach aches . Indigestion

Mood & Focus

Anxiety . Irritability . Tired but wired . Brain fog . Poor concentration

Healthy Ageing

Preparing for Perimenopause . Managing Menopause . Raised cholesterol . Pre-diabetes . High blood pressure . Nutrition for women 40+ . Nutrition for women 50+


Tired all the time . Disordered sleep . Insomnia . Bad sleep

Sticky Habits

Eating for long-term health . Building better relationships with food


Supplement Review

Tailor Supplements to Your Health Goals . Avoid Excessive Intakes . Optimise Timing and Combinations

"Nina expertly gave me small ‘baby steps’ to achieve"

LF, London

Given that I relied very heavily on a sugar based diet you expertly gave me small ‘baby steps’ to achieve. With my new found energy I was able to start going to the gym too, and this started a spiral of good health. You really have been a wonderful nutritionist and my spirits, as well as my health, have improved.

Our Philosophy at Nutrition with Nina

Every client has a Tailored programme to address and Progress their current health

At Nutrition with Nina we believe that your health and wellbeing is a personal matter. There’s no one-size-fits-all health solution. Instead, we provide bespoke nutrition and lifestyle guidance so you achieve your health goals.

Personalised approach

Your recommendations are based on your medical history, health assessment, health test data and on your chosen outcomes or goals. Together this creates a personalised approach.

Confidence & clarity

Healthy eating can be a minefield, particularly for women as they transition through life. Together, we’ll create confidence and clarity around food and health.

Optimum nutrition

Working with Nina, a Nutritional Therapist, you’ll receive expert guidance on foods and nutrients and simple ideas on how to eat for maximum therapeutic effect.

Nina Sabat Supports Your Health and Wellbeing

Nina Sabat

BSc(Neuroscience) DipNT mBANT rCNHC
Registered Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

Through her 1:1 nutritional therapy Packages, Health MOTs and Supplement Reviews, Nina encourages that feeling of “Wow! I feel fantastic” for women who have reached their 40s or 50s and are struggling with lacklustre health.

Nina shows it’s possible to leave behind poor nutrition, declining health, hectic habits and uncertainty about what to eat. She delights in helping women reconnect with their body and start enjoying an upward spiral to their best ever health.

Nina Sabat, black female London Nutritional therapist working with women who want natural nutritional remedies and strategies to improve their energy. sleep and health

Grab your spot in the HealthHub

Get a monthly e-blast of Nina’s impactful nutritionist insights and get started today with your next steps to better health.

What is Nutritional Therapy?

How does Nutritional Therapy Help to Improve your health?

Nutritional Therapy is a holistic approach to health and wellness. It uses food and nutritional supplements to support your state of health and health goals, such as reducing fatigue, getting better sleep, improving digestion, balancing your hormones, or building better eating habits.

Working with a Nutritional Therapist you receive a personalised nutrition plan, lifestyle advice and health guidance. You have access to health tests from independent testing laboratories in the UK. You also receive ongoing support and 1:1 care with recommendations based on your individual needs and goals.

As you implement the recommendations and establish new habits, you provide your body with the essential nutrients to fuel your progress to improved health.