6 Recipes for Winter
As it’s December I thought a research round-up and 6 sublime recipes would make the perfect seasonal gift. With their huge list of health benefits MACA, CORDYCEPS, CAMU CAMU and PROBIOTIC FOODS may already be staples in your kitchen cupboards. But what about ALGAE OIL and CBD OIL? Here’s the latest news on these nutritional gems and with these 6 delicious recipes they’ll be even easier to share!
MACA to get your mojo working
This is the ideal gift for the ladies.
Raw Maca Root Love Truffles
The combination of maca root and raw cacao powder in these little love truffles could be the perfect mix!
CORDYCEPS for some seasonal protection
A gift for the flu-fighters.
Spiced Cordyceps Granola
I felt a tasty granola with a sprinkle of cordyceps would help start your day on the defence from coughs and colds. But if making granola isn’t your cup of tea, then you could simply add a serving of cordyceps to a bowl of soup and get your immune boost later in the day.
CAMU CAMU for weight control
A gift for the weight-warriors (or worriers).
Camu-camu and Matcha Smoothie
Combined with the energising power of matcha this would make a fantastic pre-workout shake.
Saturate with a super ALGAE OIL
A gift for the essentialists.
Zesty Avocado Dressing
Only available in the US! Sold out on Amazon! It seems lots of people have tuned in to this health oil. In the absence of algae oil I’ve recommended a few alternatives.
PROBIOTICS for better digestion
A gift for the over-stuffed.
Simple Kimchi
Once you start with cabbage, you can typically use whatever vegetable is in season to make your kimchi. No carrots in the cupboard? Then don’t fret pet.
HEMP oil to calm down and switch on
A gift for the worriers.
Calming CBD smoothie
The bitter taste of CBD oil may be challenging for some, but mixed into this smoothie it could help you ease into your day.
We all know about the cardiovascular system, the nervous system and the respiratory system, but what about the endocannabinoid system (ECS) ? Regulating our physical and mental health the activity of this recently identified system is said to promote physical and psychological balance. Involved in fertility, mood, pain, and appetite it’s activities are pretty widespread. In fact, excercise-induced euphoria – commonly known as runner’s high – is believed to result from the activity of a human-produced cannabinoid, anandamide.So what’s the story with CBD oil from hemp plants? Hemp is just one of many plants with compounds which can modulate our ECS. Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of hundreds. The psychoactive compound THC is another. (You’ll also find ECS-modulating compounds in chocolate, carrots, brassicas and echinacea too.) Much of the research has looked at CBD oil on anxiety, pain, seizures and cancer, but as the ECS affects so many aspects of health, I imagine we’ve just explored the tip of the iceberg in regards to the potential therapeutic uses of hemp oil. [5]
(Recipe by thechalkboardmag.com)
[1] Dording et al 2015[2] Tuli et al 2014
[3] Marette et al 2018
[4] Zhang et al 2016
[5] Gertsch et al 2010